
Capture, share, and preserve verifiable photos and videos

The Hunt - A ProofMode Interactive Game

Use the ProofMode app to play games, win prizes and fight disinformation

Coming Soon: The Hunt NYC! September 22 - 23, 2022

Use the ProofMode app to play The Hunt NYC, a 24-hour disinformation-fighting scavenger hunt where the motto is “cryptographically verified pics or it didn’t happen!” Take photos of up to six required items commonly found around NYC in a 24-hour period, share the “robust” proof through Signal to +1 718 569 7272 or email [email protected], and win amazing prizes!

Learn more on the THE HUNT NYC Announcement page.

The Hunt @ DWebCamp 2022

We brought The Hunt to DWebCamp 2022 in the redwood forests of Northern California. This location provided a unique offline/offgrid aspect to the game, where all proof was shared through nearby hotspot micro-servers, bluetooth or Air Drop.

Below, phones ready to go with ProofMode loaded, sitting above bags of player badge rewards for participation!